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inigo apply


Global flags

  -d, --debug   run with debugging info
-h, --help help for this command

inigo apply


Apply a configuration to a service. Configuration yaml files can be passed in individually or using a glob to apply multiple configuration files at once. The command will print out the status of the changes applied to a configuration, such as created, updated or removed. Command also accepts configurations from stdin like this:

inigo apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Service
name: gateway
label: dev
registry: my-registry

Be aware that using this path it is REQUIRED to provide not relative but absolute paths inside configurations.


inigo apply <config_filename> [flags]

Optional flags

      --export-to string   save result in json format to the provided destination file
-l, --label string provide service label, overrides label in the configuration file
--name string provide service name, overrides name in the configuration file
--no-label ignore label found in config files
--tag string attach a tag to a config check run
-t, --timeout duration use timeout flag to interrupt execution if it exceeds timeout value
-w, --wait wait for configuration to be applied to service instance
--wait-for int wait for particular number of instances to become updated


$ inigo apply *.yml

demo:starwars/service updated
demo:starwars/access/profiles/guest updated