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Status Codes

This document contains the underlying reasons why a Blocked or Exception status is shown in Inigo when running a GraphQL query.

Blocked Status

ReasonDescriptionSuggested Actions
REQUEST_PARSE_ERRORUnable to parse the queryCheck the query for correctness and formatting.
PROFILE_NOT_PROVIDEDA required profile is missing in the request header or JWT tokenEither add a valid profile (configured with path_user_profile) as a request header or JWT, or configure a anonymous_profile in the Service
UNKNOWN_PROFILEAn unknown profile is present in the request header or JWT tokenCheck the profiles defined in the Security configuration
MAX_DEPTHMaximum depth exceeded for the queryEdit your Security configuration for max_depth or reduce the depth of the query
MAX_HEIGHTMaximum height exceeded for the queryEdit your Security configuration for max_height or reduce the height of the query
MAX_DIRECTIVESMaximum directives exceeded for the queryEdit your Security configuration for max_directives or reduce the directives in the query
MAX_REQUEST_SIZEMaximum request size exceeded for the queryEdit your Security configuration for max_request_size_bytes
MAX_RESPONSE_SIZEMaximum size exceeded for the query responseEdit your Security configuration for max_response_size_bytes
MAX_ROOT_QUERIESMaximum root queries exceeded for the queryEdit your Security configuration for max_root_queries or reduce the root queries in the request
MAX_ROOT_MUTATIONSMaximum root mutations exceeded for the queryEdit your Security configuration for max_root_mutations or reduce the root mutations in the request
MAX_ALIASESMaximum aliases exceeded for the queryEdit your Security configuration for max_aliases or reduce the aliases in the query
OPERATION_NAME_REQUIREDAn operation name is required for the queryDisable your Security configuration for require_operation_name or add an operation name in the query
EMPTY_OPERATIONThe operation is empty in the queryCheck for a missing query in the request.
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDA required field is missing in the queryModify your Security configuration for require_fields or add the required field to the query
RATE_LIMITRate limit was exceededModify your RateLimit configuration for allowance or period, or limit the number of requests on the client side
INTROSPECTION_BLOCKEDIntrospection was blocked by the Inigo sidecarEnable introspection using introspection_mode in Access
REQUEST_VALIDATION_ERRORRequest parsed correctly but is invalid, likely due to missing variable inputsCheck for missing variables in the query
INVALID_TOKENAn invalid JWT token was providedCheck the supplied JWT token using an inspection tool such as

Exception Status

Exception cases are either due to misconfiguration or a fatal error in the request processing pipeline. The behavior of exception cases can be controlled by the failure_mode configuration in the Service configuration.

ReasonDescriptionSuggested Actions
MISSING_SCHEMAA schema is not discovered or configured for the serviceApply a schema using the inigo CLI and integrate into your CI/CD
MISSING_PROFILEProfile supplied in the request header is missing from configurationCheck the profiles defined in the Security configuration
REQUEST_PANICNetwork failure in reading requestCheck for connections errors on the client side
RESPONSE_PANICFatal error in reponse analyze pipelineCheck for a malformed outgoing response from the server
NON_GRAPHQL_RESPONSEInvalid responseCheck for a malformed outgoing response from the server
REQUEST_READ_ERRORNetwork failure in reading requestCheck for connections errors on the client side
REQUEST_ANALYZE_ERRORFatal error in request analyze pipelineCheck for a malformed outgoing request from the client